Welcome to Craving Letters!

Hi! Thanks for being here.
I’m Jeanie Nolan, and my goal is to encourage and inspire you.

Who inspires you?
My sole inspiration is Jesus Christ, who redeemed me from an empty life by giving up His own.

Previous jobs?
I worked as a high school/middle school English teacher, a wedding cake maker and a banker. All of these jobs showed me that writing, teaching others and expressing creativity are significant to me.

How did Craving Letters begin?
When I became an adult, I realized very quickly that being an adult is just the worst. My very dear, long time friends would agree that I do not fit into an adult box. Or any kind of box.
In previous jobs, I worked with some incredible people but knew I needed to do something non-traditional. My weirdness and creativity needed a place to go. So here we are. Thank you for being here!

How do you develop your own recipes?
First off, I am an unashamed nerd when it comes to the science of cooking. Understanding how each ingredient behaves really stepped up my cooking game. After years of learning, practicing, and eating, creating tasty recipes has become second nature. Nothing can beat the taste of cooking from scratch (except Dairy Queen ice cream cake- but this recipe is very close). I also enjoy finding out what others like to eat- and then making it for them! Food is the best gift.

I take food safety seriously and provide proper storage information on most recipes to the best of my knowledge. I received Food Safety Certification (ServSafe) in 2008, and since then have kept up with current FDA guidelines.

When were you diagnosed with multiple sclerosis?
I was diagnosed with MS a few months after my wedding in 2015.

We have two kids! Children really are a blessing.

I hope you find something here that inspires you.
